Friday, July 21, 2006

Random Thoughts

The lefty/progressive slogans about how "the personal is political" and we should "think globally, act locally" have nothing on Christianity, which holds that everything we do has eternal consequences in the way it affects our souls.

The now-old joke about the gene pool needing a little chlorine is only funny until you ask yourself who'd get to administer the chlorine.


There's a lot of talk about how women find it easier to talk about their feelings, to say "I love you", and so on. But really, when it comes to love, isn't it easier for anyone to say it than it is to show it with concrete actions. There's a reason we have the expression "talk is cheap".


It's amazing how the visual media penetrate our thoughts. Recently I reread Emma and the whole time I was reading I was picturing the blonde girl (Gwyneth Paltrow?) on the poster from the movie of a few years back--and I never saw that movie! I can't even remember how my former mental Emma looked.


I saw a TV ad telling men they could enter their girlfriend, wife, or sister in an amateur pole dancing competition. Whatever happened to men wanting the women in their lives to be protected from that sort of thing?

Someone I read once suggested that many of the angry young Islamic men have a bit of an inferiority complex about how the West is so technologically advanced and prosperous while the Islamic Middle East, once more advanced, is not. Sounded a little iffy, but recently I wondered if he might be right when I saw an article about how there's a youth fashion in Palestine for copies of US military clothes. We might be hated there, but the US military is seen as strong and the young Palestinian men wish to be seen as strong too.


Hippie-esque slogans to the contrary, "going with the flow" is not necessarily a good thing. Tissue in a toilet goes with the flow. So does your dropped cell phone, your earring, etc. And I, for one, don't want to go where they're going.


Have you ever noticed that a lot of the things that say "for mature audiences" would be more accurately labeled "for sophomoric audiences" or "for adolescent male audiences"?


I've said in the past that I suspected the sexual revolution was won by dirty old men. Maybe it's more accurate to say it was won by loutish young men--there's a lot more of them.


One for the Wendy Shalit women who choose to wear slit skirts but frantically grab and hold the slits together when a wind comes by files: UP saw a woman wearing low-rise pants with a tattoo on her lower back repeatedly trying to pull her pants up.


I have to wonder about the motives of the young men wearing pants that sag to show their underpants band. Is the fact they're designer underpants supposed to impress anybody? I'd be more impressed if they knew how to pick out pants that fit.

Although the line in my last post is the best line I've heard recently, this from Thomas Sowell's column at today is worth repeating:
"If cease-fires actually promoted peace, the
Middle East would be
the most peaceful region on the face of the

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